Several years ago, I sent out a survey to the email list, asking for insight into what they felt made successful elk hunters successful. The top factor that was selected on the survey was not physical conditioning, elk calling, scouting, or gear. In fact, the top answer (over 67%) kind of surprised me – until I broke it down and realized why it was so important. The factor that elk hunters felt contributed most to their success was Elk Hunting Knowledge.

More recently, I sent out a much more detailed survey through #PROJECTSUCCESS, asking similar questions. However, this time, I broke the survey results down into three categories: elk hunters who were consistently successful, elk hunters that were successful but not consistent, and elk hunters who had never been successful. What I found was very enlightening.

In this latest survey, Elk Hunting Knowledge was listed as the top factor in achieving consistent elk hunting success among those hunters who were consistently successful. However, for those hunters who had been successful – but not on a consistent basis – Elk Hunting Knowledge was listed as the #3 factor they felt would enable them to become consistently successful.

What this tells me is that elk hunters who have gone through the process and found what it takes to be consistently successful, have learned that Elk Hunting Knowledge is critical to success. Those who are still working on tying everything together on a consistent basis, are putting a little more emphasis in other areas and spending more time focusing on other factors.

Elk Hunting Knowledge includes a wide variety of topics and information. In a nutshell though, it is getting inside the mind and habits of an elk. Where are they? Where are the going? Why are they going there? This basic knowledge of elk behavior will increase the effectiveness of your scouting, locating elk, setting up on elk, calling elk, etc. It becomes a solid foundation upon which you can build many of the other factors that ultimately contribute to success. Knowing “how” to do certain things in elk hunting can bring some success. But knowing “why” you need to do those certain things will enable you to apply them much more effectively and across a much wider range of situations.

In this Module, I’ll give you an overview of elk behavior – why it is important to understand, what the elk are doing throughout the year, what the elk are doing throughout the rut, and how their behavior is based upon their inclination to survive. I’ll also take a more detailed look at their daily habits and patterns – which will help narrow down where elk might be found throughout different parts of the day – as well as how herd dynamics play a role in their behavior. Lastly, I’ll focus in on the specifics of time and place – reading elk sign and determining when (and where) to hunt.

If you’re ready to get inside the mind of an elk, Click ‘Next Chapter’ Below to Get Started!