At this point in the elk hunt, you are truly a successful elk hunter. That doesn’t mean the work is over, though. In fact, in some cases, the real work is now just beginning. Similar to the topic of tracking, field care of meat is an area that often gets overlooked or skimmed over, and the real value of the subject isn’t fully recognized until it is desperately needed. To ensure that the success of your hunt is maximized, having a solid knowledge – and plan – for taking care of your elk once it is down is essential.
Field Care of an Elk is more than simply gutting it out. It includes the following topics:
- Field Photography
- Rules and Regulations
- Tools of the Trade
- Gutless or Gutted?
- Bone In or Bone Out?
- Taxidermy Preparation in the Field
I will break this module down into two chapters: An Overview of Field Care of Elk Meat and Processing An Elk: In The Field Instruction.
To continue on to Chapter 1: An Overview of Field Care of Meat, Click ‘Next Chapter’ Below